Undergoing chiropractic treatment is understandably nerve-wracking for the first-timer. However, there should be no cause for fear, especially if you take the time to first sit down and consult with your chiropractor. Such consultation is standard procedure that affords you a great opportunity to understand exactly what’s going to happen throughout your program. Most commonly, people perceive chiropractic treatment as simply involving manipulation of the spine to achieve realignment. What first comes to mind when this process is mentioned is the “snapping” or adjustment of the neck, which can justifiably cause worry and concern to those who have had no experience with it yet.
According to experienced chiropractors, a non-complex musculoskeletal condition could relieve pain anywhere between 1-4 weeks of regular treatment. By the end of this time, barring any complications, the patient can enjoy as much as 80% in relief and comfort.
The more frequent a patient's treatment session, of course, the better the chances of speeding the recovery. Before treatment, however, the patient must first undergo a thorough assessment of his condition. Be prepared to answer questions about your medical history and undergo a physical exam. To further examine your condition, the chiropractor may require additional tests, such as X-rays.
This is the part where the “manipulation” occurs. Using the force of their hands, chiropractors apply controlled pressure to the particular joint of concern. You may hear a popping sound, but it should not be a cause for concern; this is a normal occurrence as your chiropractor adjusts your joints.
Afterwards, especially since it’s your first session, it’s possible that you will experience some side-effects like fatigue and pain in certain body parts–most likely where the adjustments were made. Headache is also a possibility, but again, it should be nothing too concerning.
Nowadays, the common practice in chiropractic treatment is to integrate auxiliary programs into the patient's routine, on top of the subluxation methods. To make the treatment program more effective, chiropractors now seek to make it as holistic and comprehensive as possible.
Chiropractors also tailor a follow-up plan that the patient can adopt to ensure continuity in their improvement. In certain cases, posture, orthotics, and even diet programs are recommended for the patient. Strictly adhering to these programs helps patients to expedite and complete their recovery. The challenge, however, is for the patient to respect these complementary programs as something akin to homework. It is up to the patient alone to execute on the prescribed regimen as faithfully as possible.
In any case, at least you can rest assured that your chiropractor is providing you with an effective treatment program to guide you back to the peak of your health. This is why it’s important to find a chiropractor who you can personally trust, such as those from Accident Care Chiropractic of Vancouver, WA.
Chiropractic Adjustment. Mayoclinic.org
Chiropractic Treatment Program Guidelines. Spine-health.com
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