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Best Rated Chiropractor
Clinics in Oregon & Washington 

Specializing in Auto Injury Recovery & Car Accident Rehabilitation

Best Rated Chiropractor
Clinics in Oregon & Washington 

Specializing in Auto Injury Recovery & Car Accident Rehabilitation

“Chiropractor Near Me!”

Dr. Matt Fryauf, D.C. administering a spinal adjustment on female patient lying on chiropractic table.


Portland Chiropractor 5 Star Rating

Successfully Healed 12,000+ Patients

3,000+ Google Reviews Show Our Patient Dedication
Custom Treatment & Recovery Plans
We Help You Through Your Entire Claims Process
14+ Years of Helping Portland Area Residents Live Pain Free

Patient Reviews

NE Portland Clinic

Based on 162 reviews
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Tigard Clinic

Based on 251 reviews
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McMinnville Clinic

Based on 67 reviews
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Bend Clinic

Based on 113 reviews
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SE Portland Clinic

Based on 336 reviews
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Beaverton Clinic

Based on 133 reviews
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Keizer Clinic

Based on 187 reviews
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Vancouver Clinic

Based on 192 reviews
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Gresham Clinic

Based on 205 reviews
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Hillsboro Clinic

Based on 213 reviews
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Salem Clinic

Based on 352 reviews
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East Vancouver Clinic

Based on 57 reviews
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Clackamas Clinic

Based on 260 reviews
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Woodburn Clinic

Based on 90 reviews
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South Salem Clinic

Based on 122 reviews
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Hazel Dell Clinic

Based on 84 reviews
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Services Our CHIROPRACTIC Clinics Provide

Specializing in Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance

These Are Only A Few Of Our Many Services. Click To View All Chiropractic Treatments. 
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Symptoms not to ignore

Even if you don’t feel injured, it’s a good idea to speak with a chiropractor right away.

Graphic design of patient icons showing different signs of auto injury | Headache, Neck & Shoulder Pain, Abdominal Pain, Back Pain, Numbness & Bruising, Emotional Distress

Dangers of Untreated Auto Accident Injuries

Like most other injuries, serious side effects can occur when left untreated: Stiffness and loss of motion. As well as the chronic neck pain and stiffness, untreated whiplash can even lead to degenerative disc disease and vertebrae misalignment.
Neck Pain
Numbness & Tingling  
Shoulder Pain
Back Pain
Chest Pain
Emotional Distress     
Dr. Austin Bell, D.C. with a happy male Hispanic patient after recovering from an auto injury.
“She was very patient and honest with me. Which is the kind of team you want to help navigate through the aftermath of a car accident. I definitely recommend being seen here.”
- Martin Gonzalez
Dr. Travis Fontaine, D.C. with young patient smiling who recovered from auto injury.
“I've never been to a chiropractor before and thought it would hurt, but it was the exact opposite. The adjustments and massage felt so good! Thanks Dr. Travis”
- Danny Esters
Dr. David H. Rong, D.C. with smiling female patient and her dog after recovery from auto injury treatment.
“Thank you for making this uncomfortable situation as comfortable as possible!”
- Mary Zalenkis
Dr. Nik Predtechensky, D.C. with arm around a female patient who is smiling after auto injury chiropractic treatment.
“I appreciate their help and assistance, it gave me a loving experience for my first time at a chiropractor place. Really recommend Accident Care a 10/10 place if youre looking for help if injured.”
- Christina Murphy
Dr. Bradley Chemelar, D.C. gripping hand of male Hispanic patient smiling after recovery from auto injury.
“They are very professional and the really care for you , even several occasions they baby sat my daughter so I could get my treatment done I highly recommend getting treatment with accident care.”
- Cristian Alvarez


Chiropractors & Specialists Ready To Help You Recover

Dr. Alexis Lee, D.C. - Chiropractor PortlandDr. Alexis Lee, D.C.
Founder & Owner
Dr. Eric Neumann, D.C. - Chiropractor Tigard headshotDr. Eric Neumann, D.C.
Managing Partner
Dr. Darren Faherty, D.C. - Chiropractor GreshamDr. Darren Faherty, D.C.
Managing Partner
Dr. Linda Nguyen, D.C. - Chiropractor Portland headshotDr. Linda Nguyen, D.C.
Treatment Specialist
Dr. Rich Sedei, D.C. - Chiropractor ClackamasDr. Rich Sedei, D.C.
Clinic Director

Benefits of chiropractic care

Chiropractic treatments can help with a variety of health issues.
Anything effecting the spine bones, joints, ligaments, and nerves can be treated with non-invassive medication free thearpy.

Move Better

Restore Range of Motion

A neck or Back Injury can limit your range of motion, especially in the days or weeks right after the car accident. This occurs due to the inflammation caused by the injury. While it’s possible to recover from this, it is a slow process without the right help. With a chiropractor’s help, you can develop a plan and receive adjustments designed to help restore your range of motion, helping you to heal a lot faster and get back to doing the things you enjoy.

Feel Better

Reduce Aches & Inflamation

Chiropractic care provides the pain relief needed after an accident through rehabilitating and treatment plans. Medical issues are common after a car accident, but they can take a while to appear. Instead of waiting for the pain to begin or trying to control the pain with medication, set up an appointment with an Auto Injury Chiropractor in Portland, OR today.

Live Better

Prevent Long-Term Pain

Whiplash and other injuries, like a Neck Injury, from car accidents are not going to go away on their own. In fact, they can last for years without proper treatment. By looking for a Chiropractor near me and getting the help you need right away, it is possible to prevent long-term pain. The right treatment from the start helps relieve the pain immediately and can help prevent it from turning into chronic pain that’s far more difficult to get rid of down the road.
A man is receiving a chiropractic adjustment at Accident Care Chiropractic in Vancouver.
A woman receiving Massage Therapy in Woodburn OR
A Chiropractor administering laser therapy on a female patients back.

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