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Chiropractic Care for Pudendal Neuralgia

Published Date: 
August 7, 2023
Woman suffering from pudendal neuralgia clutching her inflamed abdomen.

The pudendal nerve is a major nerve located in the pelvic region. Its role is to send information from your genitals to your brain. The nerve is connected to the muscles that support your genitals and reproductive organs. 

It plays a crucial role in sexual sensation and function and other important bodily functions. If it’s damaged, it can cause dysfunction in the area, including the:

Understanding Pudendal Neuralgia and its Causes

Pudendal neuralgia occurs when there is damage to the pudendal nerve. It describes the compression or nerve damage to the soft tissue or muscles in the area. Causes of pudendal neuralgia include:

  • Activities that pose a risk to the area, such as horseback riding, cycling, or squatting
  • Chronic constipation
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Broken pelvis
  • Tension in the area
  • Childbirth injury or trauma
  • Complications from certain surgical procedures
  • Non-cancerous lesions or growths
  • Neuropathy caused by diabetes or other medical conditions

Pudendal Neuralgia Symptoms

Pudendal neuralgia symptoms include:

  • Burning
  • Crushing
  • Prickling
  • Shooting sensations 
  • Incontinence
  • Chronic pelvic pain

These symptoms can develop suddenly or gradually. They tend to worsen when sitting or ease up when you stand or lay down because there is less pressure on the area. Chronic pain is common, but it can ease or worsen at different times. You might also experience numbness in the pelvic area.

Chiropractic Treatments for Pudendal Neuralgia

Problems in the area of the pudendal nerve must be treated with care. This sensitive and vital body area plays a significant role in urinary, bowel, and sexual functions. This is one of the reasons chiropractic care for this condition is such a great option – it’s gentle and lower risk than surgery and other treatment options.

Young person clutching their backside while standing in the bathroom.

Some chiropractic treatment options used to treat pudendal neuralgia begin with a comprehensive assessment. The chiropractor will want to determine the root cause of the problem so that it can be addressed. 

Next, they’ll conduct targeted spinal manipulation to correct any problems in the spine that might be affecting the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. It also relieves built-up pressure caused by tension in the area. They use a combination of manual therapy and adjustments, ultrasound, and other techniques to improve blood circulation. 

Chiropractors also use soft tissue therapy, including massage, to stretch and exercise the body, improving blood flow and alleviating body restrictions.

Your chiropractor will also suggest things you can do to improve the condition. They’ll recommend postural modifications that will help you manage pudendal neuralgia symptoms and improve your overall health. They’ll also recommend exercises to strengthen your muscles and make your body better to deal with the condition.

Finally, your chiropractor might recommend mind-body practices to help you relax and heal your body. This includes deep breathing, meditation, and other practices to manage anxiety. 

Managing Symptoms of Pudendal Neuralgia at Home

There are several things you can do to help you manage the symptoms of pudendal neuralgia. In many cases, these are things you should avoid doing. For example:

  • Squatting, especially with weights
  • Sitting for prolonged periods
  • Riding a bike
  • Horseback riding
  • Straining to defecate when constipated

It’s also a good idea to use a donut or u-shaped pillow when sitting if you’re dealing with pudendal neuralgia symptoms. This alleviates some of the pressure on the pelvic floor muscles and the perineum. It won’t cure the problem but it will ease discomfort when treating the condition.

Chiropractor stretching and adjusting back of male patient.

It’s also important to do what you can to alleviate and avoid constipation. You can do this by increasing your fiber intake, drinking enough water, and eating foods that act as stool softeners, such as coconut or olive oil.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pudendal Neuralgia

Treating pudendal neuralgia with chiropractic care is beneficial for several reasons. For example, chiropractic treatment is:

  • Safe
  • Effective
  • All-natural and help you avoid medication
  • Reduce your risk for future bouts of the problem
  • Improves your overall health and well-being

Dr. Eric Neumann D.C.

Dr. Eric Neumann grew up in Alberta, Canada where he majored in Chemistry at the University of Calgary. During his time at University, he obtained licensure as a Massage Therapist. It was clear that hands-on healing would be his calling. After suffering multiple sport-related injuries he became interested in Chiropractic. Dr. Neumann graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in 2009. He has since specialized in the treatment and management of acute spinal injuries.

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