Dealing with behavioral problems in children is one of the most difficult challenges a family can face. Not only is it stressful for a child to not be in control of their behavior, but it also makes life difficult for everyone in the child’s life.
While chiropractic care cannot cure everything that affects a child’s behavior, it can go a long way in helping a child better manage behavioral issues.
Chiropractic care promotes overall good health. Specifically, it’s effective in improving mental health. Chiropractic care helps the body and mind find balance.
Chiropractic care is also comprehensive. Chiropractors assess all areas of a patient’s health, including:
There is evidence that diet and other health issues are linked to behavioral problems in children. Working with a chiropractor helps families make changes to promote good health. It also reduces stress and anxiety, which is likely a problem for the affected child and their loved ones.
According to the CDC, the two most common behavior issues in children are:
Examples of symptoms of ODD include:
Some degree of this behavior is common in nearly all children, but children with ODD frequently struggle with these underlying issues and cannot resolve them with discipline and maturity. Symptoms of ODD typically arise between ages 8 and 12.
ODD behavior tends to occur more around people with whom the child feels familiar and comfortable.
Examples of “symptoms” of conduct disorder include:
To receive a diagnosis of CD, a child must show an ongoing pattern of aggression toward others. They must seriously violate rules and social norms at home and elsewhere, often to the point of attracting attention from law enforcement authorities.
Chiropractic treatment helps children of all ages, whether they’re struggling with behavioral issues or not. The benefits of chiropractic adjustments for children include:
For many, the benefits of chiropractic adjustments go beyond the adjustment they receive. It allows them to focus on their health and well-being.
If you are concerned about your child’s health or a behavior problem, even if you aren't sure what the exact issue is, chiropractic care can help. To learn more or discuss your family’s situation, contact a chiropractor with experience working with children.
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