One of the most common work-related ailments is back pain, which is prevalent in physically demanding jobs with frequent lifting and shifting positions. Furthermore, this kind of pain is hard to ignore as it can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally through directly limiting your range of motion and ability to concentrate, increasing workplace stress in the process. Back pain can impact you financially as well through lost workdays and healthcare costs.
Moreover, different situations can result in work injuries that cause back pain. Learn more about the types of workplace back injuries and how chiropractic care can help treat them.
Non-accidental injuries develop due to regular work activities such as sitting on a chair or standing too long. Poor body posture, extended tasks, fatigue, and recurrent actions are the primary contributors of these injuries. Non-accidental injuries may produce acute or chronic back pain if changes are not applied on your work activities, environment, or both.
Unlike non-accidental injuries that develop through the rigors of everyday work, an accidental injury is the outcome of a sudden event like slipping or falling objects from shelves. Accidents can exert undue and rapid force on the neck, back, and shoulder joints which can lead to torn soft tissues, muscles, and ligaments as well as dislocated bones.
A chiropractor can provide treatments to both accidental and non-accidental back injuries. They may apply soft tissue rehabilitation to help recover movement in affected back areas. Some possible therapies are trigger point procedures, massage, and strength and conditioning exercises.
Besides soft tissue rehabilitation methods, chiropractic can include manual adjustments which may reduce pain and recover normal joint movement. Furthermore, a chiropractor can add other approaches including use of ice packs to reduce inflammation for accidental injuries and designing a work plan that can improve occupational ergonomics and body posture. Ergonomics can be defined as determining the best “fit” among the employee, the work environment, and regular work duties. A chiropractor may offer changes at the workplace and daily movements that help decrease back strain and enhance posture. Hence, apart from chiropractic, changes in ergonomics can boost your comfort and performance.
Workplace injuries can hamper your productivity and give you constant stress. At the same time, accidental injuries that result in tardiness or absences and hospital bills directly affect your income. Besides consulting a doctor, consider visiting a chiropractor who can evaluate your injuries and offer alternative treatment.
“Ergonomics of the Office and Workplace: An Overview,”
“Spinal Manipulation for Low-Back Pain,”
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