It’s no secret that cardiovascular disease is among the leading causes of death in the United States. Nearly 1 out of every 3 deaths in the United States is due to some form of cardiovascular disease. The epidemic of failing hearts claims 1 life every 40 seconds, and while the scientific community is ever-evolving in an attempt to halt this loss of life proliferation, statistical evidence continues to fight against even the most advanced treatments.
Obtaining, and maintaining, a healthy cardiovascular system demands effort from multiple fronts. As many residents in Portland or elsewhere already know, we must eat healthy and fill our lives with more active and less sedentary hobbies. However, a case study published in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation found a potential connection between heart health and skeletal alignment.
The spine does far more than support the torso. Within its precisely developed vertebrae rests a myriad of neural pathways designed to support and control nearly every bodily function and system. When one of these neural pathways is compressed due to skeletal abnormalities, it's unable to properly function. Although this can manifest in a variety of ways, such as an increase in inflammation, several studies suggest the imbalance caused by misalignment may pose a direct threat to cardiovascular system health.
In the previously mentioned case study, the patient experienced overall improvement among all the primary cardiovascular markers, such as cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Although it may seem as if this is an isolated incident, several other studies have come to similar conclusions.
A controlled study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension aimed to uncover the potential connection between spinal misalignment and high blood pressure. Previously, researchers observed a reduction in blood pressure via manual spinal adjustments, much like those performed by chiropractic professionals. While an immediate decrease in blood pressure was noted, researchers set their sights to determine whether these results could be maintained.
Throughout the 8-week study, participants weren’t given antihypertensive medications and were provided with either a National Upper Cervical Chiropractic (NUCCA) treatment or a false treatment. At the conclusion of the study, researchers discovered chiropractic manipulation significantly reduced blood pressure. These findings demonstrated the use of chiropractic care reduces blood pressure as effectively as those who use antihypertensive medications.
In our quest for lifelong health and heart vitality, we must take a moment to understand how every bodily system interacts and works together. Although chiropractic care services may not completely eradicate heart disease, it can be a potent ingredient within your recipe for genuine health.
Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2017 At-a-Glance, American Heart Stroke Association
Immune Responses to Spinal Manipulation,
Research Shows Chiropractic May Help Reduce Cardiovascular Risk,
Atlas Vertebra Realignment and Achievement of Arterial Pressure Goal in Hypertensive Patients: A Pilot Study,
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