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Chiropractic Care for Children with Anxiety

Published Date: 
September 19, 2023
Young brunette girl biting her nails looking anxious.

It’s difficult to watch children struggle with anxiety. Whether the cause of the anxiety comes from home, school, friendships, or any other issue, most parents are willing to do anything they can to alleviate their child’s stress.

If you believe your child is dealing with anxiety or struggling to cope with their stress and it’s blossoming into anxiety, chiropractic care can help.

Importance of Addressing Anxiety in Children

Stress is a part of life. The earlier we learn to deal with stress, the better we’ll deal with issues later in life. Unfortunately, not coping with stress can lead to developing anxiety.

Anxiety occurs when we have difficulty accepting that we can’t control the future. And it’s not just a problem with mood or learning to “get over it.” Anxiety can lead to serious health consequences and have long-term impacts on quality of life.

Young boy sitting on the floor next to a teddy bear, looking out the window.

In children, anxiety can cause:

  • Problems falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Nightmares
  • Fatigue
  • Issues with memory and concentration
  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Headaches
  • Stomachaches

Addressing your child’s anxiety is essential to caring for their overall health and giving them the tools they need to succeed in life.

Common Symptoms and Signs of Anxiety in Children

Anxiety can look different for different people, especially children. What might be a sign of anxiety in one person might not be an issue for another. And anxiety in adults often looks and feels different than it does for children. Much of this depends on how much a person is comfortable sharing with others. Some kids express their emotions; others mask their feelings and instead, act out with bad behavior.

Other symptoms of anxiety in children include:

  • Changes in eating habits
  • Difficult concentrating
  • Changes in sleep
  • Acting out in class or among friends

How Chiropractic Adjustments Can Help Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Chiropractic care is one of the best ways for children and adults to deal with stress and anxiety. It’s safe and effective and helps you avoid anxiety medications that are so often the recommended solution for people of all ages. Unfortunately, these medications can have side effects, especially when used for long periods and especially for children's still-developing brains.

Chiropractic treatment addresses imbalances in the body. When your spine is aligned, all of the pieces of your nervous system are connected and communicating as they should. This allows your body to perform at its highest potential and deal with anything you encounter.

Mother comforts her anxious daughter sitting on a twin bed.

Chiropractic adjustment relieves tension in your entire body. This eases overall anxiety and leaves you feeling refreshed and better able to handle the stressors of everyday life.

The connection Between the Spine and the Nervous System

Your child’s spine and their nervous system work in tandem. The spine is made up of vertebrae that surround and protect the nerve tissue in your spinal cord. These nerves branch out into your entire body and transmit messages to and from your brain. These are the components of your central nervous system, which is connected to your organs via the peripheral nervous system, as well as your muscles and sensory tissues.

All of these systems in your body work together and affect one another. Just one small issue throughout the system can throw your body into chaos. Correcting any interference with your child’s body’s communication system goes a long way in dealing with anxiety and other health issues.

Collaborative Approach with Other Healthcare Professionals

A collaborative approach to dealing with anxiety in children is the most effective option parents have for helping their kids. Chiropractic care helps reduce anxiety symptoms. It also helps children learn how to manage emotional and physical stress better.

Collaborative teams for managing childhood anxiety can include:

It can also be helpful for your child to learn breathing techniques or yoga as a tool for managing stress.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Child Anxiety & Overall Behavior

Chiropractic care for child anxiety and behavior offers a variety of benefits, including:

  • Improved sleep
  • Improved immunity
  • Nervous system balance
  • Better control of attitude and behavior
  • Improved brain development

In addition to anxiety, regular chiropractic care for children also helps with the following: 

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Ear infections
  • Digestive issues
  • Sleep issues
  • Sports injuries
  • Headaches
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism spectrum disorders

Dr. Darren Faherty D.C.

In 2004, Dr. Darren Faherty graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology from UWEC - University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. Dr. Darren continued education at the highly esteemed University of Western States (formerly Western States Chiropractic College) where he obtained his chiropractic degree in 2007. He has been helping people recover from injuries and return to their normal lifestyles ever since.

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