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What To Expect From A Car Accident Chiropractor In Gresham

Published Date: 
July 13, 2021
People are hurt after a car accident while a woman calls for help.

Auto accident victims must seek medical attention quickly after the accident. Fast medical care addresses their injuries and gives them access to a better care plan. However, surgery isn't necessary always, and the patients need to weigh their options first. A chiropractor can provide care without surgery.

Instant Relief from Pain

A car accident chiropractor Gresham helps patients get faster relief from their pain and discomfort. The care plans include exercises that stretch the muscles carefully and relieve pressure. During the examination, the chiropractor determines the source of the patient's pain. Once they identify the source of the pain, the doctor sets up a care plan for the patient.

Managing Emerging Conditions Weeks After the Accident

A car accident chiropractor Gresham addresses conditions that emerge weeks after the accident. Whiplash is a common condition that emerges days after a car accident. If the patient discovers that they have whiplash, a chiropractor can add more steps to the care plan and help the patient with their pain and discomfort. The patient will need a neck brace to support her neck during their recovery.

Avoiding Surgical Procedures

Chiropractors take a holistic approach to treating auto injuries, and they will try to avoid surgical procedures and invasive options. The care plan includes therapies that address the patient's injuries effectively and decrease the need for surgery when possible. Holistic doctors provide everything from exercise plans to new diets to improve the patient's condition.

Lowering Medical Costs

A chiropractor can decrease medical costs for auto accident victims by providing comprehensive care. Surgical procedures will drive up costs and aftercare expenses. The chiropractor offers more holistic measures to address the source of the patient's discomfort and building a better care plan. Chiropractic care is covered by most major medical insurance plans.

Auto accident victims need fast help with their injuries and a better care plan. Surgeons will perform invasive procedures without a second thought, but chiropractors find more natural processes for healing more beneficial. The care plans include therapies that address the patient's pain. Patients can learn more about chiropractic care by setting up an appointment now.

Dr. Darren Faherty D.C.

In 2004, Dr. Darren Faherty graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology from UWEC - University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. Dr. Darren continued education at the highly esteemed University of Western States (formerly Western States Chiropractic College) where he obtained his chiropractic degree in 2007. He has been helping people recover from injuries and return to their normal lifestyles ever since.

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