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A woman is lying on her stomach with Cupping cups on her back.

What is cupping?

If you suffer from muscle pain, you can consider cupping therapy as an alternative approach to healing your pain and relieving the symptoms of muscle strain, sprains, and other conditions.

The cupping technique is an ancient practice performed for ages as an effective alternative treatment for pain management and treating muscle injury symptoms.
While traditional chiropractic techniques like massage therapy involve downward pressure to release muscle tension, in cupping, suction is used to pull back muscles, reducing stress and alleviating pain and discomfort from the area.

In cupping therapy, cups are placed on the body that uses suction to manipulate muscle tissue, reducing pain and inflammation. Cupping can be used as a type of deep tissue massage to heal from pain, and inflammation, improve blood flow and enhance the overall well-being of a person.

What are the types of cupping?

Cupping can be done using the following methods:

Dry cupping

Here, special cups are warmed and placed on the skin to create suction. As air under the cup cools, a vacuum is created underneath that pulls the muscle tissue, drawing blood and other fluids towards the stretched skin. This is known as dry cupping. Sometimes only the rim of the cup is warmed, while in other cases, the entire cup is inverted over the flame.

Wet cupping

The cups are kept on the skin for some time to create a mild suction. Then they are removed, and tiny cuts are made on the skin using a scalpel. Next, another suction is created to draw out some blood. Afterward, antibiotic ointment is applied to the site and covered with a bandage to heal the treated area. Wet cupping can remove harmful toxins from the body and quicken the healing process.

Air cupping

In this case, a small pump is used to suck out oxygen from the cups, made from plastic or silicon, as they are placed on the skin to create suction.

Massage cupping

Here, the cups are applied to the skin and kept in position for some time. Then they are moved around in a gliding motion that massages the skin.
Cupping suction therapy on the back.

What are the benefits of cupping?

According to the supporters, the pull action created by the suction force helps the flow of energy or life force in the body by removing blockages. Cupping can help maintain the energy balance in the body and improve blood flow, reducing pain.

Cupping can significantly reduce pain when paired with regular chiropractic care, while spinal adjustments can directly address musculoskeletal issues.

Cupping is similar to acupuncture and massage therapy as it provides pain relief and can be an excellent complementary treatment to chiropractic care.

Some of the benefits of cupping are:
Boosts cellular immunity
Reduces pain and inflammation
Releases blocked energy
Improves blood flow
Purifies skin and eliminates skin toxins
Improves joint elasticity by assisting the flow of synovial fluids
Benefits the nervous system
Cupping therapy can be used to treat:
High blood pressure and blood irregularities like anemia
Arthritis and fibromyalgia
Migraines, anxiety, and depression issues
Skin problems like acne and eczema
Varicose vein disorders
Injuries, such as a sports injury, work injury, or auto injury

What does a cupping session at Accidental Care Chiropractic involve?

Your first appointment for a cupping session at Accidental Care Chiropractic shall involve filling up a patient information form where you will be asked to mention your health issues, your medical history, and details of your symptoms of pain and injuries to help our chiropractors get a better idea about your health.

In the first session, our chiropractor will discuss the types of cupping therapy available in the center and the one that would be most suitable for your condition.

If you have come for a cupping session for the first time, you need to prepare in advance by taking the following steps:
Make a list of your symptoms. To assist your chiropractor in providing the best possible treatment, you need to prepare a list of all your symptoms that have brought you to the clinic.
Plan your schedule. Your cupping treatment might involve several sessions spread over a week or two. Make sure to plan your schedule to avoid last-minute rescheduling to get the most satisfying treatment for your condition.
Prepare your questions in advance. It is normal for you to have some queries regarding the treatment on your first day of the appointment. You can prepare a list of all your concerns in advance to discuss them with your chiropractor to help you prepare for the treatment.
Based on the discussion and a general exam, your chiropractor shall proceed with the cupping therapy.

During the treatment, 3 to 7 cups would be applied to your skin to create a suction effect pulling your muscle tissues to treat the painful disorders. Depending on your symptoms, the chiropractor can use a dry or wet cupping technique.

You will feel a sucking sensation as suction is used to draw out the toxins from your body. Cupping is safe and can cause mild discomfort, but should never be painful.

Depending on the cupping technique used, your chiropractor can leave you with the cups resting on your skin for some time to allow the suction to work on your skin.

The chiropractor can use gentle gliding motion with the cups to massage your skin, improve blood flow, release muscle tension, and reduce pain.

After the treatment, your skin can turn red, or you may have circular bruise marks on your skin where the suction cups were placed. The marks would fade over in a couple of weeks.

What is the aftercare of cupping?

During the cupping therapy, cups are used to create suction on the different parts of your skin. Sometimes, the force of suction can cause red marks where the cups were placed on the skin as the tiny blood vessels are ruptured under the skin.

The marks can be in the form of circular bruise-like discoloration that fades over in weeks following the treatment. The red patches may cause mild discomfort but must not be painful to touch.

In wet cupping, blood is drawn out using tiny cuts on the skin. To prevent infection on the site, the area is treated with an antibiotic ointment and covered with a bandage to promote healing.

If you are feeling muscle pain or have injuries that cause muscle strain or inflammation that keeps you from leading an active life, our specialists at Accidental Care Chiropractic can help you.

Visit Accident Care Chiropractic for Cupping

Our highly experienced chiropractors can provide the most effective treatment to manage your pain issues. Our service area extends to Portland, OR; Vancouver; Salem; Hillsboro; and beyond.

So if you want to try cupping therapy to treat your pain and muscle injuries, reach out to us today to schedule a consultation!

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