Chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to medicine for everyone, including new mothers and babies. It can be used safely before, during, and after pregnancy. This includes pain relief, childbirth preparation, and overall wellness for the mother. It also includes improving health and reducing common health ailments for newborns.
New mothers should seek chiropractic care for themselves and their babies for many reasons.
First and foremost, it’s essential to understand how hard pregnancy and delivery are on the body. They are natural, and your body is designed to support the growth and birth of a baby, but this doesn’t mean it’s easy on your body. It can lead to a variety of misalignments and imbalances. Chiropractic treatment helps correct these issues.
Even if you have a healthy pregnancy, you might experience pain. Changes in your body during pregnancy and childbirth might cause lingering issues. Some women experience problems for weeks, months, and years after their pregnancies. Chiropractic care helps alleviate many of these issues.
In addition to helping with the common pelvic and lower back discomfort associated with pregnancy, chiropractors can also evaluate issues with muscles, joints, and ligaments in the upper back, shoulders, neck, and throughout the body.
Remember, even mild discomfort can interfere with your ability to care for your newborn. Chiropractic care after pregnancy helps you feel your best to give your best to your baby.
Chiropractic care is also safe for babies. Healthy babies can receive adjustments within days of their birth. Chiropractors help treat common issues with baby’s bodies, including:
Gentle chiropractic treatments are a safe and effective way to promote balance and correct dysfunction in your newborn’s body.
Mothers who deliver vaginally can have chiropractic adjustment anytime after giving birth. If the baby is delivered by C-section, they might need to wait three weeks or more after giving birth. Many chiropractors recommend seeking treatment within the first month after delivery. This prevents problems from “settling in” and becoming chronic, making them more challenging to treat.
Chiropractic care after pregnancy provides many benefits. It helps to soothe and calm the anxiety and depression common to new mothers. Chiropractic adjustment can also promote healthy milk production for breastfeeding mothers.
What are some common postpartum issues faced by new mothers?
Chiropractic care aids in labor and delivery recovery. It eases pain, reduces recovery time, and helps you avoid medication. Chiropractic care treats the central nervous system, which is the control center for all of your body’s functions. This includes the healing process.
Why should you consider seeing a chiropractor during your postpartum recovery?
Chiropractic care is considered safe for most babies. Regular adjustments can improve a baby’s overall health and reduce the risk of complications as they grow. Adjustments can also correct problems that arose during their time in-utero or birth.
Chiropractic care helps treat common health issues that arise during infancy, including:
There is no specific guideline for when babies should be exposed to chiropractic care. Some parents wait a few weeks after birth, while others begin treatments within days of birth. If you aren’t sure, speak to your baby’s pediatrician or seek guidance from a chiropractor experienced in working with newborns.
There are several benefits of postpartum chiropractic care. For example:
Chiropractic care can treat mild and severe health issues related to pregnancy and childbirth. It can also be used during pregnancy to prevent problems and promote healthy baby development and delivery.
After childbirth, chiropractic care is appropriate for mothers and babies, no matter the issues they might be experiencing. If you want to be your healthiest and able to care for your baby to the best of your ability, and you want to give your baby a head start to healthy physical development, chiropractic care is a great option.
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