If you or your partner struggle with snoring, chiropractic care can help. It’s a safe, non-invasive way to correct the issues contributing to snoring. It might take more time than using a CPAP machine or other devices that offer a more immediate remedy, but it can fix the underlying problem that causes snoring. Using chiropractic treatment in conjunction with other snoring remedies might also be possible.
Here’s what you need to know.
There are several reasons why someone might snore. Some of these things are temporary issues, such as having nasal congestion from a head cold. Once the cold resolves, there are no more issues with snoring.
Some people tend to snore after drinking alcohol before bedtime. This might occur infrequently or frequently, but it is entirely within your control.
Other issues are chronic. Some might be within your control, while others are correctable but require a more aggressive approach than simply starting or stopping a behavior. Chronic issues related to snoring include:
You can do several things to reduce your risk of or eliminate snoring. For example:
One of the easiest ways to remedy snoring is to roll over onto your side because it allows the airway and nasal passages to open and not have any tissue blockage that creates the vibration of snoring. If you fall asleep on your side but move to your back in your sleep, consider tucking a pillow or blanket behind you to stay on your side.
Elevating your head opens the upper airway, which allows air to flow through the nostrils and throat.
Nasal congestion can be caused by allergies, head colds, structural defects, and more. The key to stopping snoring due to nasal congestion is to treat the root cause of the congestion.
These exercises are called oropharyngeal exercises or myofunctional therapy. They prevent the soft tissue from becoming loose and vibrating while you sleep.
Alcohol relaxes your throat muscles and increases the risk of snoring.
People who are overweight are more likely to snore or have obstructive sleep apnea because of the extra soft tissue in the throat. Losing weight, even a small amount, can help with snoring.
Smoking of all types causes inflammation along the tissues lining the airway. This can cause swelling, post-nasal drip, and narrowing of the airway, all of which increase the risk of snoring.
There are several types of chiropractic treatment that help you with snoring. For example:
The more common term for this condition in the jaw is temporomandibular joint or TMJ. You can also have a subluxated joint in your neck.
Chiropractic adjustment can help with sleep issues like snoring. Spinal misalignments often interfere with the messages your brain sends to the rest of your body, leading to issues with your joints. When a subluxation occurs, it can create an unnatural airflow through your larynx, which triggers snoring.
Chiropractic adjustment may eliminate small blockages preventing the brain from working at full capacity. This might not be as dangerous as it sounds. However, it can lead to various unpleasant side effects, including loud snoring.
Chiropractors restore your body to proper functioning. They correct the underlying problems that increase your risk of snoring.
Chiropractors evaluate your sleep position and determine what can be done to improve your sleep quality. They’ll demonstrate a better sleep position and encourage you to practice it until it’s comfortable. They might also recommend a better, more supportive pillow that keeps your neck positioned in a way as to reduce snoring risk.
Lifestyle changes are among the least invasive and most affordable ways to reduce your risk of snoring. This doesn’t mean they’re the easiest, though.
For example, losing weight is a great way to help with snoring, but anyone who has ever tried to lose a few extra pounds knows it’s a challenge. Think of the benefits, though. In addition to helping you with a snoring problem, losing excess weight can reduce your risk of diabetes and other medical conditions. It also helps you feel better overall.
A chiropractor can help you choose and implement lifestyle improvements that improve your overall health and reduce your risk of snoring.
Snoring interferes with your ability to get quality sleep. It can also affect your partner’s sleep if you do not sleep alone. Working with a chiropractor to correct the issues related to your snoring is a great way to improve sleep quality and ensure optimal health.
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