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Who pays for treatment after a car accident?

A man looks through insurance documents.
Getting an injury from an auto accident is no joke. Whether your injuries are minor or severe, treatment is always a priority. People who are hurt after a car accident may be wondering how much treatment will cost and who pays for the treatment.

Who pays for the treatment largely depends on who the at-fault driver was

For example, if a car accident happens because of a mistake on your end, you will have to pay for the treatment, whether out-of-pocket or through the help of insurance.
On the other hand, if you were in an accident due to someone else’s mistake on the road, then you will likely be reimbursed by their insurance company after treatment.

This is one of the reasons that thorough documentation of your treatment plan, especially after an auto accident, is vital. It ensures that your (or the other party’s) insurance company properly reimburses you for your treatment.
Below, we go over a common question of who pays for treatment after a car accident, and what it involves.

Payment for treatment after a car accident that’s not your fault

No-fault situations are ones where no driver is completely at fault. Although these may be less common than one or more drivers being clearly at fault, they are not totally uncommon. No fault car insurance requires that your auto insurance covers some or all of your medical bills. In fact, insurance payments in a no-fault situation are often paid faster than in an-fault accident. They will pay for everything up to the limits of your no-fault coverage.

Payment for treatment after a car accident that is your fault

Although nobody likes to admit it, someone is usually at fault when a car accident happens, and sometimes, that someone is you. Your insurance company will reimburse for any injured driver’s treatment plans and your health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid should cover your own treatment. As with the previous example, Med Pay will cover any additional costs after health insurance.

In addition, Personal Injury Protection (PIP), will cover you regardless of the fault state of the accident. It will protect you from lost income, medical bills, and more. Anything that is not covered, whether it be from PIP, Med Pay, or just health insurance, you will have to pay out of pocket.

Payment for a work-related accident

If you get injured in a car accident while you’re working and performing work-related tasks, you should file a workers’ compensation claim. Workers’ compensation payments will generally cover all of your medical expenses quickly and you will likely not be responsible for paying deductibles or any medical bills. In addition, keep in mind that many states require that worker compensation reimburse you for transportation expenses that you require to get to and from medical appointments.

In this case, workers’ compensation would act as your primary coverage.

Car Accident Chiropractic Treatment

If you were injured in a car accident, you should first be checked out by EMTs on the scene of the accident. After that, it’s a good idea to go to the hospital to get checked out to make sure you don’t have any internal injuries that you are unaware of. Once you are cleared from the hospital, it is always a good idea to seek an evaluation by a chiropractor.

Chiropractors, like the doctors at Accident Care Chiropractic, use an array of imaging tools and diagnosis techniques to identify any problematic issues in the body, ones that you may not notice now but can act on later. You may have mild symptoms, like sore muscles, achy joints, and a stiff neck, or more serious ones, like moderate pain and difficulty with mobility.

Regardless of how well or badly off you think you feel after a car accident, chiropractic care will be able to help treat the root of your problems using non-invasive techniques. They can help you to feel better and regain mobility, especially after an auto accident.

Chiropractic Care Coverage

If you were injured in a car accident, you should first be checked out by EMTs on the scene of the accident. After that, it’s a good idea to go to the hospital to get checked out to make sure you don’t have any internal injuries that you are unaware of. Once you are cleared from the hospital, it is always a good idea to seek an evaluation by a chiropractor.

Chiropractors, like the doctors at Accident Care Chiropractic, use an array of imaging tools and diagnosis techniques to identify any problematic issues in the body, ones that you may not notice now but can act on later. You may have mild symptoms, like sore muscles, achy joints, and a stiff neck, or more serious ones, like moderate pain and difficulty with mobility.

Regardless of how well or badly off you think you feel after a car accident, chiropractic care will be able to help treat the root of your problems using non-invasive techniques. They can help you to feel better and regain mobility, especially after an auto accident.

Primary and secondary coverage

When seeking coverage for any injury treatment, it’s important that you understand how your primary and secondary coverage work. In short, primary coverage is used first to cover your injuries, and secondary coverage is used afterward to cover whatever the primary coverage doesn’t cover.

If you have Med Pay or PIP, then they will be considered primary coverage and used first. Then, your secondary coverage will be fulfilled by your health insurance and used to cover the remaining medical bills.

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Located in: North Portland, NE Portland, SE Portland, Gresham, Clackamas, Oregon City, Hillsboro, Bethany, Beaverton, Tigard, Forest Grove, Woodburn,
McMinnville, Keizer, Salem, South Salem, Bend, Vancouver, Hazel Dell, East Vancouver, Pasco, Kennewick, Lakewood.

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