If you are injured at work in Portland or other parts of Oregon, you are able to seek special benefits and compensation to cover your injuries called workers compensation. Part of the medical treatment you are entitled to receive is therapy and follow-up procedures. Many employers will also cover chiropractic procedures for many musculoskeletal and similar injuries.
Wondering what common workplace injuries are improved, and even healed, by chiropractic services? It turns out, a large number of workplace injuries (one in three) impact the musculoskeletal systems, which are treated by chiropractors.
The neck is a sensitive part of the body. Injuries here can result in stiffness, aches, and other types of pain, even if the accident leading to such injury isn’t severe. Frequently, neck injuries aren’t just painful, but debilitating. As well, neck strains and pulls tend to linger longer than other workplace injuries. For both of these reasons, chiropractic procedures are a great option to treat workplace incidents that result in a neck strain.
How do people suffer neck strains or other injuries at work? Slips and falls are the most common cause, but motor vehicle accidents, lifting heavy loads, and also sitting or typing in an uncomfortable position can also cause substantial problems – all of which, chiropractic procedures could solve.
Under Oregon workers’ compensation there is a specific class of workplace injury called repetitive motion injuries. Often called, repetitive strain injuries or RSI, these are conditions that arise from overuse or performing the same motion over-and-over again with bad technique.
These injuries can impact several parts of the body, including the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even the nerves. Each of these body parts can be served and sedated by chiropractic services. Therefore, chiropractors, like those at Accident Care Chiropractic, can treat many different repetitive motion injuries.
Furthermore, repetitive motion injuries don't just occur in one part of the body but can impact the fingers, wrists, neck, shoulders, legs, ankles, or feet. The specific ailments or injuries that are associated with repetitive motion include tendinitis, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Manual manipulation of materials or equipment is a common injury in the workplace. In particular, people working in retail, hospitality, as nurses, or in home health care are frequently lifting heavy loads or moving materials and patients. Back strains and similar muscular injuries in the back and shoulders are regular occurrences in these professions. Often, short-term back injuries go untreated by employees, but that doesn’t have to be the case.
Chiropractic procedures, including manual therapy and soft-tissue rehabilitation, can help soothe back muscles and release tightness throughout the back. Furthermore, the small adjustments made through chiropractic procedures can help prevent future back strains and muscular injuries from occurring.
The exact cause of chronic or ongoing headaches can be difficult to discern, but when traceable to a workplace injury or condition it is usually the result of poor posture. Millions upon millions of Americans spend their days working at a desk or standing in a rigid position. What happens after months or years of these working conditions? Employees start to slump, slouch, and pick up poor posture habits in an effort to be more comfortable.
However, the end result usually isn’t less pain, but a brand new source of it. After sitting in an awkward or uncomfortable position for many hours, people can develop migraines or ongoing headaches. It might be surprising, but chiropractic procedures can alleviate these headaches.
If you are suffering from a workplace injury the first step is to inform your employer. Workers’ compensation benefits and other rights afforded employees are only available after your employer has been informed and a claim made to the appropriate insurance provider.
Once your employer is informed, you should seek treatment. If your workplace injury is musculoskeletal or causing headaches, a chiropractor may provide relief, and could possibly resolve your injury.
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