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Chiropractor in Gresham, Oregon Talks About Connection Between Obesity and Lower Back Pains

Published Date: 
January 25, 2017
A chiropractor is assessing a patient's lower back pain.

When you think about it, it is quite obvious why obesity or being overweight can put so much pressure on the lower backs of individuals – after all, there is only so much load the spinal cord can support before it eventually fails. As a matter of fact, countless medical research regarding the matter have been published throughout the years. However, informing the patient of the actual cause of his suffering is not easy; few people can take being told he or she is obese well.

The Obesity Epidemic

Health experts have noticed the sudden prevalence of obesity in the past few years. The problem is not limited to the US either, but has become a global concern. The easy lifestyle where everything is ‘instant’ is named as the main culprit. With everything within reach, people became lazy which exacerbated the growing obesity problem.

As a result, the number of people with back pain concerns have also started to increase. According to the general statistics, 8 in 10 people have suffered varying degrees of back pain. These statistics establish that overweight people have a higher tendency to complain about back aches than people of normal weight. Similarly, obese people complain more frequently back pain than overweight people.

Discussing Obesity with a Chiropractor

Did you know that many chiropractors says they avoid telling patients to lose weight for the chiropractic treatment to become successful? Instead, they prefer talking about it in a roundabout way by discussing alternative healthy life plans that include physical exercise and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. At most, some chiropractors will ask questions to try to discover whether the weight problem is hormonal (thyroid problems) or caused by poor lifestyle choices.

The truth is that some people find it hard to accept that they have exceeded recommended BMI values and that their current weight is root cause of many of their health problems. In fact, many will try to avoid the required weight loss as much as possible. If this is your situation, it is imperative that you are aware and proactive about it. While a lifestyle change is definitely not easy, it is sometimes what is required to live a healthy and active life that is free of back pain. Consult with your chiropractor in Gresham, OR to see what you can do.


Wellness: Discussing Obesity with Patients,
Back Pain Facts and Statistics,

Dr. Darren Faherty D.C.

In 2004, Dr. Darren Faherty graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology from UWEC - University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. Dr. Darren continued education at the highly esteemed University of Western States (formerly Western States Chiropractic College) where he obtained his chiropractic degree in 2007. He has been helping people recover from injuries and return to their normal lifestyles ever since.

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